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Advanced Reports 1.1 released!

“Sales” report. With Advanced Reports, it’s simple to display the purchase date and time of products sold during a specified period. “Users Activity” report. This report allows you to observe customers’ activities (e.g., new accounts, reviews, orders) for any period of time. The Users Activity Report chart is set up to show three lines – new accounts, number of reviews and number of orders. “Sales by Customer Group” report. This great feature gives you the opportunity to see sales by groupings of customer types.

Advanced Newsletter 1.0 released!

Discover the power of a personalized and professional newsletter in improving customer retention and boosting sales. The Advanced Newsletter extension will help you increase your subscriber base with a highly customizable user interface and targeted sign-up options, while the segmentation features let you target your subscribers with the most relevant content.

Advanced Reports User Guide

Properly generated report is a forecast of future sales trends. Unfortunately the native Magento Sales report doesn’t allow you to make a thorough and detailed analysis of your selling activity. But with the Advanced Reports extension by aheadWorks you can have a better insight into your sales performance.