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Keep track of updates - less pain, more gain!

Here at aheadWorks, we work strenuously and try to plan our working day carefully to fulfill all the tasks on time. That’s why we understand you perfectly well, when you have not enough time to follow all the updates of our 59 Magento extensions, especially if you are interested only in four-five modules installed on your store.

Sometimes, when the information is not important enough to be thoroughly investigated right now, people think “I’ll revert to this later”. And they never come back because the information flow is too fast – the fresh news ousts the previous one.

Now you should not be afraid of losing some important information on update if you missed our newsletter or had no time to check the latest tweets. Just go to your Account page in our Magento extensions store. Here at My Downloadable Products, you can find the Changelog link which leads to all blog posts about your purchased extension. So you can easily find the list of new features implemented in the latest version as well as view the improvements made from release to release.

Moreover, by clicking the FAQ link you get on the page of all our Knowledge Base articles dedicated to your Magento extension. So you can read the answers to the most frequently asked questions while the module package is being downloaded and/or installed ;)

I hope you'll like this small improvement. We have still many ideas and will be implementing them gradually.