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Magento World Newsletter (October 8, 2009)

It’s a good tradition to summarize the results of the previous month’s work. Today is October and glancing back we should admit that much work has been done in September – new extensions releases, user guides and updates. Let’s run our eyes over the major events of the last month.


New Extensions

Extensions releases, news, updates & promotions in aheadWorks Magento Group. One click to join!

Product Updates Notifications


The Product Updates Notifications extension helps your customers to stay in touch with your store and the products they are interested in. Customers can subscribe and receive email notifications every time new products appear in your store, the prices or items quantity are changed, the promotions are held.


Some features are:

    • Adds "Notify me about updates" link with admin configurable position
    • Fast loading AJAX layer with subscription form for guests
    • Configuration of notification defaults
    • Optional message signatures
    • Macro fields containing all attributes of the product
    • Ability to include any content that Magento CMS can involve

To get more information about Product Updates Notifications please visit the extension page.


Facebook Link


Facebook Link makes it easier for customers to invite their friends to your store as there is no need to send emails – posts like "Hey! I’ve just purchased a great stuff at (your store link)" appear automatically on the customer’s wall. You can set the module up so that if a customer logs in your store using Facebook account, every time this person makes a purchase, a post about the order with the full product title, its price and link to this product is automatically left on the wall.


Some Facebook Link features are:

    • Login and signup using Facebook API
    • Automated updates on customer wall
    • Custom wall post template, action link template
    • Ability to include custom number of products from the order in the post
    • Template variables detailing purchased products

The whole list of the Facebook Link features you can find on the extension page.


New User Guides


Our customers and those who are only thinking over aheadWorks extensions purchasing gain a new advantage – User Guides in the PDF format. All Guides include the detailed description of each step of extension configuration.


Everyone can set up the module in accordance with his/her own needs without much time and effort expense. A considerable number of interface screenshots make the process of setting up easy and fast. As a bonus we included various examples of extensions’ applying.


You can download User Guides for the following extensions:

Updated Extensions


Please don’t forget to check complete changelog on the product pages.


Booking & Reservations


Booking and reservations extension allows you to create all kinds of bookable products - tickets, tours, attendances, all kinds of scheduled services, rentals, workshops, lectures, hotel rooms etc.


Current version: 1.1

Upgrade: recommended from any previous versions

Upgrade cost: free for all versions

What’s new:
   + Flexible price rules
   + Gradual pricing (ascending and descending)
   + Flexible exclude days rules
   + Reservation details in cart
   + Ability to switch off shipping per product
   * Back button in admin area fixed
   * JavaScript errors in IE8 in admin fixed
   * Date&time product adding for one day fixed
   * "Duplicate button" removed


Find more information about Booking and Reservations on the extension page.


On Sale


This extension allows you to add graphical labels to images of any products – new, products with special price or any custom-defined product. The labels can be displayed in catalog view as well as in product.


Current version: 2.0.1

Upgrade: recommended from any previous versions

Upgrade cost: free for all versions

What’s new:
   + Customizable label for each product
   + Specific label for new products
   + More values (calculated automatically) for label text
   + Possibility to insert any product attribute in a label text by the attribute code
   + CSS styles become more specific


Find more features on the extension page.


Who Bought This Also Bought


Providing such kind of additional content for your product pages this extension not only enriches your store - it gives valuable and unmistakable ideas for additional and future purchases. By putting several items to shopping cart your customers transparently share their thinking between each other, proposing highly targeted set of related items for people considering the same purchase.


Current version: 1.1

Upgrade: recommended from any previous versions

Upgrade cost: free for all versions

What’s new:
   + Installation procedure improved, the relations are analyzed after product page request
   + Layout with extension's own CSS improved


To get more information please visit the Who Bought This Also Bought page.


Refer a Friend


"Refer a friend" stimulates your customers to invite their friends to your store. As a result the customers who referred their friends get % or flat rate discount and you gain more clients and more benefit.

Current version: 1.2.4

Upgrade: recommended from any previous versions

Upgrade cost: free for all versions

What’s new:
   * HTTPS backend
   * Discount usage fixed
   * Behavior in some multi-store configurations fixed
   * "Cannot add to cart" error for referrer after a purchase with a discount had been made fixed
   * Discount usage limit for values over 1 fixed
   * Complex combined (percent + fixed amount) discount rules under some circumstances on the checkout fixed
   * Strings are available for translation now
   * Priority works more obviously



View the extension features on the Refer a Friend page.


Product Questions


The extension adds a questions page to each product and helps you to stay in touch with your visitors and customers.

Current version: 1.1.2

Upgrade: recommended from any previous versions

Upgrade cost: free for all versions

What’s new:
   * Global Record Search in the backend fixed
   * Incorrect visibility filling fixed
   * "Save and continue edit" button action fixed
   * Sorting by Yes/No in the backend fixed



Find more details on the Product Questions page.


AJAX Cart Pro


AJAX Cart Pro extension removes annoying page reloads on add to cart and delete from cart user actions. Items added instantly with animation effects.

Current version: 1.4.5

Upgrade: recommended from any previous versions

Upgrade cost: free for all versions

What’s new:
   + Cross operation of “www.domain” and “domain” support
   + Default, blank and modern themes are supported
   + Easy custom configuration (custom.js)
   * Out of stock products fixed
   * The extension turns off for IE6 users automatically



Please visit the extension page for more detailed information.



Current version: 1.0.14

Upgrade: recommended from any previous versions

Upgrade cost: free for all versions

What’s new:
   + Parsing CMS tags functionality is added
   * Google sitemap fixed
   * evil .13 release skipped



The more detailed information is on the Blog page.


That was a brief review of our new and updated modules. We are always happy to get all kinds of feedback. If you need a new feature in our product – just let us know – it has good chances to be implemented.


Thank you for being with us and good luck to your business,

Sincerely yours,

aheadWorks Magento department