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New Daily Deal Makes Your Special Offers Eye-Catching

Attracting multiple visitors to your store is the first step towards plentiful sales. Multiple potential customers make even more chances for the revenue. But, attracting convinced customers, who look for an opportunity to purchase, is, at least, 50% of your success.
Of course, it is a tall order, but you can perform it much easier, if you have the new extension from our partners – Daily Deal.

Conspicuous display facilities and additional promotional tools of this extension combined with attractive prices will persuade customers to visit your store on everyday basis in order to track down the deals they need.

The credibility gained by these unique offers will certainly spread to other products and increase the overall loyalty to your store.

Main Functionality

The Daily Deal extension allows you to create unique offers for your customers easily. The provided display options, including deal blocks sidebars and sliders, in combination with stimulating countdowns encourage customers to purchase products from you immediately and without any hesitations.

Deal Blocks and Slider Functionality
Deal blocks use different logics for the products they choose for displaying. In particular, the Top Selling Deal block uses sales statistics and show only bestselling deals. Similarly, the Most Viewed Deals block displays most viewed daily deals, and the Random Deal block shuffles deals randomly.

Daily Deal Blocks


Daily Deal Blocks

The slider displays all deals one by one according to their IDs on all pages of your store. Customers are able to change the images manually or hide the slider, if necessary.

More Functionality
Daily Deal can also add a countdown to special deals, which strongly motivates customers to purchase right now, without any delays.

The module also displays the quantity of remaining items and prevents customers from postponing their purchases.

On top of this, the extension automatically adds discount labels to product images and distinctly shows customers the benefits they can obtain.

With the help of this extension you can also:

    • Create as many deals as you need;


    • Track deal statistics of finished and running deals, including sales and views;


    • Amend the limited amount of items in deals anytime you like;


    • Let customers browse through the whole list of running deals on one page.

Deals Dedicated Page


Deals Dedicated Page

General Configuration

The general configuration of the extension is simple and allows you to activate and set up the functionality almost in a flash. It requires from you just to enable the module and define several options:

    • Enable/Disable the corresponding header link;


    • Display/hide the remaining quantity notification;


    • Display/hide countdown timer;


    • Determine the “No Deals” message (shown in those cases, when the quantity of deal products equals 0 or the deal is over).

Deal Blocks Configuration
The module provides several kinds of blocks for different deals. You can create Random, Top Selling, Most Viewed, and Upcoming deal blocks and put one or several of them on the pages of your store.

The configuration scope of these blocks is almost the same and includes next options: Show (enables or disables a certain kind of block), Block Title, and Sidebar (determines block’s position on the page).

The Upcoming Deal Block Configuration section additionally includes the Show Deal Start Date option.

Deals Slider Configuration
In addition to deal blocks, the module allows you to use a deal slider for even more attractive displaying of current deals. The advanced configuration of the slider includes next options: Slider block title, Background color, Header Background color, Header Text Color, Slide duration, Slide autostart.

Deals Slider Configuration


Deals Slider Configuration

Countdown Configuration
You can also configure the view of the provided countdown using timer text color, timer background color, timer notes color, and days text configuration options.

Deals Management Grid

This extension provides an opportunity to create deals and manage them easily from the backend, including deals filtration, selecting, and carrying out mass actions with deals. Particularly, the Deals grid allows you to massively change statuses and Magento views (websites, stores, or views) of multiple deals at once.

The created deals contain next attributes: deal prices, their quantities, the start and end time, and store views.

In order to activate a deal you should fill all the above attributes, choose the product you want, and enable the deal.

New Deal


New Deal


The Daily Deal Magento extension is able to promptly sell slow-moving products and make your store perceived as an attractive place to shop. It is able to transfer one-time visitors into regular customers and increase your sales.

Please visit the product page of this extension in our store, where you can get the full functionality description and purchase it. There you can also download the corresponding documentation or try this module in action in our demo stores.

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