Z-Blocks Update: Yet More Functionality and Usability + AJAX
Categorized as : Ecommerce
Precisely targeted promotional banners, unique design and appearance of the store, valuable notes for customers, scheduled advertising campaigns, awesome security seals, useful recommendations, individual reward banners, and whatever you just can imagine – all this you can embody using the Z-Blocks extension.
The whole list of available features and settings of this extension is fairly long, but striving to make Z-Blocks just great we added yet some improvements to its functionality. Hope, you will like and appreciate the new features of the recent update.
Rotate the Z-Blocks Content Using AJAX
The AJAX functionality usage allows you to display z-blocks without page reloads. In particular, the new feature enables you to display content items in sliders.
If you choose “Display All” in the “Display Items” dropdown selector, then the “Representation” field appears just below. This field has two options – “Slider” and “Display all items of the block”. If the “Slider” option is enabled, you are able to appoint the rotation interval of the slider in the newly appeared text field.
Target Blocks to Certain Referral Visitors
Since the last update there is an opportunity to specify a new z-blocks condition for referral traffic targeting. This option appears in the Audience tab and enables z-blocks for only referral visitors coming from specifiс URLs or domains. For example, you can display certain information for visitors from social networks or those who come from competitor’s sites.
Specify Display Settings for Content Items
The latest update of the extension adds display settings to all content items of z-blocks. Now you can appoint different display options to each content item within one block and determine different circumstances for their demonstration. The options include Store Views, Customer Groups, the Blocks Validation by MSS Rules and are located right below the WYSIWYG editor.
This way, there is no necessity to create separate still similar blocks for different store views or customer groups. You can just target content items within one z-block and display them to different visitors.
If you have the MSS extension integrated with the Z-Blocks module the possibilities for targeting increase exponentially.
The Z-Blocks ver. 2.5 extension gets manifold backend usability improvements, including more convenient organization options, some changes of option and functionality description texts, and automatic hiding of unused options within a particular configuration. To the purpose, the following two features greatly enhance the blocks and content items management productivity.
Create Duplicated Blocks on the Fly
This new functionality provides you with an opportunity to easily create similar z-blocks. Now you can duplicate existing blocks and create new ones with only one click and minor editing.
Massively Manage Content Items
This new feature simplifies the processing of Z-Block's content items and allows you to carry out mass actions in the “Content Manager” grid. Now you can delete or change the status (enable/disable) of all content items contained in this grid at once.
Z-Blocks is one of the most powerful marketing and UI extensions in our portfolio, which is able to endow you with unlimited possibilities for inventive creativity and original marketing decisions.
The whole functionality scope of Z-Blocks allows you to create unique and highly effective promotions and accurately targeted notifications.
The Z-Blocks ver. 2.5 extension is now available on the product page of the module in our store. Just enter it and discover multiple opportunities Z-Block is able to provide. There you will find useful examples of its use, detailed module’s documentation, and the knowledge base articles. Also, visit the demo stores providing the most complete picture of how the module operates, please.
If you have some questions about this Magento extension, share them in the comments below, please.
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The whole list of available features and settings of this extension is fairly long, but striving to make Z-Blocks just great we added yet some improvements to its functionality. Hope, you will like and appreciate the new features of the recent update.
New Features
Rotate the Z-Blocks Content Using AJAX
The AJAX functionality usage allows you to display z-blocks without page reloads. In particular, the new feature enables you to display content items in sliders.
If you choose “Display All” in the “Display Items” dropdown selector, then the “Representation” field appears just below. This field has two options – “Slider” and “Display all items of the block”. If the “Slider” option is enabled, you are able to appoint the rotation interval of the slider in the newly appeared text field.
Content Items Display Settings
Target Blocks to Certain Referral Visitors
Since the last update there is an opportunity to specify a new z-blocks condition for referral traffic targeting. This option appears in the Audience tab and enables z-blocks for only referral visitors coming from specifiс URLs or domains. For example, you can display certain information for visitors from social networks or those who come from competitor’s sites.
Referer URL Field
Specify Display Settings for Content Items
The latest update of the extension adds display settings to all content items of z-blocks. Now you can appoint different display options to each content item within one block and determine different circumstances for their demonstration. The options include Store Views, Customer Groups, the Blocks Validation by MSS Rules and are located right below the WYSIWYG editor.
This way, there is no necessity to create separate still similar blocks for different store views or customer groups. You can just target content items within one z-block and display them to different visitors.
If you have the MSS extension integrated with the Z-Blocks module the possibilities for targeting increase exponentially.
Usability Improvements
The Z-Blocks ver. 2.5 extension gets manifold backend usability improvements, including more convenient organization options, some changes of option and functionality description texts, and automatic hiding of unused options within a particular configuration. To the purpose, the following two features greatly enhance the blocks and content items management productivity.
Create Duplicated Blocks on the Fly
This new functionality provides you with an opportunity to easily create similar z-blocks. Now you can duplicate existing blocks and create new ones with only one click and minor editing.
"Save and Duplicate" Button
Massively Manage Content Items
This new feature simplifies the processing of Z-Block's content items and allows you to carry out mass actions in the “Content Manager” grid. Now you can delete or change the status (enable/disable) of all content items contained in this grid at once.

The whole functionality scope of Z-Blocks allows you to create unique and highly effective promotions and accurately targeted notifications.
The Z-Blocks ver. 2.5 extension is now available on the product page of the module in our store. Just enter it and discover multiple opportunities Z-Block is able to provide. There you will find useful examples of its use, detailed module’s documentation, and the knowledge base articles. Also, visit the demo stores providing the most complete picture of how the module operates, please.
If you have some questions about this Magento extension, share them in the comments below, please.
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