Help Desk Ultimate for Magento 2
Resolve support requests faster with less effort.Â
- Apply intelligent ticket prioritization based on different criteria
- Resolve issues faster with automation options
- Customize ticket submission form to get useful information
- Configure spam filters to focus on relevant tickets only
- See all the information about the customer in one place to save time on checking it all over Magento
- Integrated with Coupon Code Generator, RMA, Customer Attributes, Advanced Reports, FAQ
- Hyvä-compatible
Current extension version: 2.9.1
Open Source 2.4.6 - 2.4.7;
Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 - 2.4.7

Adobe Commerce


GraphQL Available

LangShop Compatible

Help Desk Ultimate Gallery

According to recent studies, around 76% of customers rate a company by customer service. However, it is hard to provide a high-level service when the support team is constantly overloaded with tickets. So it becomes crucial to implement a properly organized ticket management system.
Save your support team time with smart automation and a spam-free ticket box. Manage and prioritize tickets with a smart and effective issue tracker. Provide clients with timely updates and convert users into loyal customers.Â
Drive customer loyalty
Integrate Help Desk for Magneto 2Â to establish a communication hub with your customers to manage pre- and post-sales issues. Provide quick feedback and resolutions, saving customers time and establishing loyalty to your brand. Help Desk Ultimate also improves the productivity of your support teams workflow, increasing overall department efficiency.Â
Customer-centered experience
Increase customer satisfaction by assigning personal agents to tickets. When there are issues your ground-level employees are not able to solve, customers can escalate tickets to the helpdesk supervisor. This can help identify distinctive scenarios that require unique solutions.
Customizable ticket-submission forms
Gather support requests not only from emails sent directly to the helpdesk department, but also via the Contact Us form and reporting tool in My Account. Allow for customized fields in customer-facing forms and capture the information you need. Thereby drastically reducing the amount of basic follow-up questions and speed ticket resolution time.

Time-saving automations
What are your agents going to do when an open ticket is awaiting reply for 24+ hours? With workflow automation, smart routing and assignment decisions can be made to facilitate a smooth operation and consistent service levels within your helpdesk team. No lost notes, no lengthy manual processes, and best of all no customers left hanging, waiting for a response that never comes.
As an example you can automate your Helpdesk to create a ticket for a customer in the event a customer’s order is placed ‘On Hold’, to bring this to the attention of your support team and inform your client what went wrong with the order.

Spam-free ticket box
Avoid spam by applying Reject Patterns to the Contact Us form, emails and messages. Rejecting Patterns are Perl regular expressions which define the strings to filter the emails into the Rejected Messages grid when found in the email/message. Along with the automations and canned responses, rejecting patterns will save your team a great deal of time weeding through miscellaneous tickets, allowing them time to focus on serious issues.

Effective issue tracker
Track support requests in an organized fashion to provide customers with timely updates. Find information faster, guided by visual clues brought forth by colors, labels, links and pop ups. Prioritize efficiently with the help of automatic ticket weight rating, based on smart algorithms. The ticket weight rating will keep your attention to the most urgent issues, even when their priority and status are not able to do so.

Powerful Agent’s desk
Agents work their magic here. Tagging enables easy organization of tickets and quick spotting of popular or common issues. Notes help split streams of public and private actions on tickets. Customer history of orders and requests personalize tickets and add to resolution thereof. Canned responses allow saving time on repetitive and simple requests.

Integration with M2 Customer AttributesÂ
Integration with M2 Coupon Code Generator
Integration with M2 RMA
Integration with M2 Advanced Reports
Integration with M2 FAQ
Support of GraphQL
More features
Anti-Spam Filters
Filter out unwanted requests with a customizable spam shield.
Condition actions on trigger events and save time on repetitive tasks.
Visual Clues
Track tickets effectively with visually enhanced tickets grid and ticket thread.
Full Ticket history
Monitor ticket conversation, internal notes and system messages in one place.
Customer Attributes Integration
Enhance automation and collect more information on customers.
Add CC recipients
Send replies not only to a ticket author, but also to all users that should be notified.
Customer Info
See customer tickets history and customer orders in the ticket or in customer profile  to support decision-making towards successful ticket resolution.
Canned Responses
Arrange a list of quick responses and save time on replying to generic messages.
Smart Ticket Prioritization
Allow support agents to stay aware when it's time to answer the ticket, based on priority, time of the last reply, the number of customer replies, etc.
Organize your helpdesk team into departments, set default agents for each and solve customer problems quickly.
Custom Fields
Collect more information on issues per the department to support decision making when resolving tickets.
Ticket URL
Allow agents to share ticket conversations with each other or with 3rd parties.
Locking Tickets
Enable further control over who is able to update tickets or reply to them.
Ticket Escalation
Allow customers to escalate tickets to the helpdesk supervisor if they feel the current process is ineffective.
Add Personal Touch
Personalize interactions between agents and customers by enabling agents’ details on Frontend and in emails.
Ticket Rating
Allow customers to rate a ticket to identify weak areas for further improvement. Display rating in the Tickets grid.
RMA Integration
Convert a ticket to RMA request.
Ticket Status Changed
Learn about ticket status for asking to rate closed ones.
2.9.1Released 18.04.2024
* Fixed issue with parsing one part emails
* Fixed issue with conditions in automations -
2.9.0Released 02.11.2023
+ Sort values in the Tag filter and add Search
+ Search within the tickets
* Fixed issue with creating tickets from the gateway
* Fixed issue with creating an empty ticket when sending a large text with links
* Fixed issue with Messages if Gateway Email gets changed -
2.8.0Released 22.09.2023
+ Alternative ticket gate for a real-time receipt of tickets (integration with Gmail)
* Fixed issue with Ticket Notes when coupon code is generated
* Fixed issue with parsing when an email only has an attachment
* Fixed issue with encoding after upgrading to Magento 2.4.6
* Fixed issue with the ticket link from an email
* Fixed issue with the escalation message -
2.7.1Released 26.05.2023
* Fixed issue with loading XML files
* Fixed design issues
* Fixed issue with spelling mistake in the "Delete message" alert
* Fixed issue with empty messages in ticket
* Fixed issue with changing the status of tickets via mass-action in the customer edit page
* Fixed issue with wrong emails content-type when using the text type template
* Fixed issue with GraphQL mutation awHelpdesk2TicketCreate with attachment
* Fixed issue with transferred words in their entirety in ticket -
2.7.0Released 24.05.2023
+ Merging tickets
+ Added a default tab in the ticket view
+ Displaying customer group in the tickets grid and ticket view
+ Integration with native Adobe Commerce Customer Attributes -
2.6.1Released 07.04.2023
+ Tags reporting improvement
+ Added 'Remove message' button
+ Export option to the HDU tag report
+ Added timezones hints
* Fixed issue with not added users to the department agents in the Tickets grid
* Fixed issue with displaying Admin User in the Agent dropdown on the ticket details screen -
2.6.0Released 27.03.2023
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6
+ Migration from HDU M1
+ Displaying an automatic reply in a ticket thread
+ Data encryption
+ Displaying phone number in the ticket -
2.5.1Released 23.12.2022
* Fixed issue with custom plugins in the WYSIWYG editor HDU
* Fixed issue with the ticket opening or/and editing department
* Fixed issue with message content in the Helpdesk tickets
* Fixed issue when rating a ticket
* Fixed issue in console after creating a store with prefix
* Fixed issue with the French non-ascii characters decoding if the email is not in UTF-8 charset -
2.5.0Released 21.11.2022
+ Quick Responses option for newly created tickets
+ Changing status of tickets in bulk via mass-action
+ Option to configure From: email address in admin
+ Removed extra space to avoid scrolling
* Fixed issue with changing customer attributes on the ticket page
* Fixed issue with quick response
* Fixed issue with the customer view tab in admin on the Adobe Commerce
* Fixed issue with coupon code generation on the Ticket page
* Fixed issue when creating ticket from an email with an invalid address
* Fixed issue with displaying the "Show more" button in tickets
* Fixed issue with the Magento Blank theme design -
2.4.0Released 27.09.2022
+ Basic Authentication Deprecation
+ Refactor Oauth Adapter
* Fixed issue with GraphQL support
* Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
* Fixed issue with deleting tables after disabling HDU reports extension -
2.3.1Released 16.09.2022
* Fixed issue with the ticket controls section if Department name is long
* Fixed issue with the subject of ticket in tooltip in the "Helpdesk Tickets" grid
* Fixed issue with text in emails when customers create tickets/reply from the frontend
* Fixed issue with URL in the ticket reply
* Fixed issue with unabling to process email queue when Agent is no longer part of the Department
* Fixed issue with filling Server TMP Folder with Phishing Attachments
* Fixed issue with the incorrect metadata modifier for the 'new_reply_from_customer_send_email_to_customer' automation event
* Fixed issue with parsing Emails with .html-attachment into tickets
* Fixed issue with Grid after clicking "Default View" in the action menu on the Tickets page
* Fixed issue with ticket when an order is deleted
* Fixed issue with showing the department name in the "My Tickets" grid on Storefront
* Fixed issue with the invalid CC recipients field
* Fixed issue with displaying email template elements from ticket replies
* Fixed issue with typing any extra spaces after the Quick Response template
* Fixed issue with the migrated tickets with customer_name = NULL when adding a new post
* Fixed issue with automatic filling Email and name on the ticket creation from admin
* Fixed issue with the tickets grid -
2.3.0Released 25.08.2022
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.4.5
+ Report by tags with chart
+ Added separate point in menu for the HDU reports
+ Displaying the message when ticket rating was changed as automatic reply in ticket thread
+ Average Resolution Time
+ Average Response Awaiting Time By Customer
+ Average First Response Time
+ Displaying the tickets submitted by a guest user in customer's account
* Fixed issue with the line breaks -
2.2.4Released 09.06.2022
+ Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
* Fixed issue with File uploader on the Storefront for Magento 2.4.4
* Fixed issue with Subject of ticket on the Tickets page for Magento 2.4.4
* Fixed issue with displaying Agent information in the automation emails for Magento 2.4.4
* Fixed issue with Ticket Controls section for Magento 2.4.4
* Fixed issue with compilation for Magento 2.4.4 -
2.2.3Released 24.03.2022
+Declarative schema upgrade -
2.2.2Released 11.02.2022
* Tickets are not displayed in the grid on Storefront after creating it on a new website or store view
* Default email template is sent when Ticket is created from another store view -
2.2.1Released 17.12.2021
* Fixed issue with tickets missing after changing customer email
* Tickets thread is visible in the message on the backend
* Tickets are not saved for a new website
* Cron hangs with the error: 'first_message_content' cannot be null
* Line breaks are missing if email content-type: text/plain
* Non-ascii characters cannot be decoded correctly if the email is not in the UTF-8 charset
* Fixed issue with the file not appearing in the generated folder
* Inserted link in new reply from an agent does not work in an email message
* Multipart HTML emails are displayed as plain text -
2.2.0Released 08.09.2021
+Integration with RMA
+New Automation - Ticket Status Change
+New automation - Ticket Was Rated
+Better filtering by tags
+Display Ticket Rating in the grid
*Fixed issue with the cropped text when hovering the cursor over the subject line -
2.1.1Released 02.07.2021
* Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
* Tickets miss part of content after special characters
* Error occurs during migration when a ticket contains not default type of file
* Incorrect external url is in emails from a different store view
* Factory should be injected via class constructor
* Error occurs when a ticket with attachment that misses extension is migrated
* Fixed issue with the "Your manager" field
* Quick response doesn't work for a different store view
* Line breaks are missing in Quick Responses and customer responses from the external form
* 'Updated On' date does not get updated when a quick response was edited
* Fixed issues with HTML
* Multipart html emails are displayed as plain text -
2.1.0Released 07.06.2021
+ Expanded Tags section in the backend
+ Automation when certain SKU is purchased
* Fixed issue with html in the contact form and coming emails
* Fixed issue with processing of messages when gateway is changed -
2.0.6Released 22.04.2021
* Fixed issue with html in the incoming emails -
2.0.5Released 09.04.2021
*Fixed issues for Magento Marketplace -
2.0.4Released 06.04.2021
+ GraphQL update -
2.0.2Released 26.02.2021
+ ChatBot compatibility improvements -
2.0.1Released 22.01.2021
* Fixed issue for Magento Marketplace
* Error occurs during migration if a ticket contains not default type of file -
2.0.0Released 11.01.2021
+ Create Agent Information
+ "Help Desk Tickets" tab on Order backend page
+ Related-Orders functionality
+ Restrict entering a new email on Contact Us form for Logged-In Users
+ Store-views and web-stores support for HDU templates
+ Rejected Messages grid
+ Add order selection on Create Ticket form from backend
+ Improved gateway email processing
+ Send the copy of a ticket to another email when a request has been submitted from Create New Ticket form
+ Sort order for Departments and Agents
+ Sort quick responses
+ Display information about HDU agent on the frontend Ticket View page and in Email notifications
+ Restrict some request types for customer groups on frontend
+ Remove attached files from DB if a ticket has been deleted
+ Hide Customer Orders block on the Ticket View Page if a user doesn't have permissions to access Orders
+ Change sorting in Customer Orders
+ Preview ticket content in All Customer Tickets
+ Option to search projects from ticket is added
+ Ticket related blocks on the backend ticket page should upload data according to customer id or customer email
+ Improved restrictions for customer groups
+ Tickets can be searched by ID via Search field above Tickets grid
+ Tickets can be locked
+ Additional tabs for Ticket Thread
+ Some strings are added to CSV
+ Hints are updated
+ Internal Menu is improved
+ GraphQL support
+ WebAPI support
* Fixed some design issues
* Some content is absent in a tooltip in the Rejected Messages grid
* Tickets aren't created via Gateway
* An error appears after sorting "Rejected Messages" by "From" column
* An error occurs when filter is applied
* Injection from "Ticket Escalation" is applied
* An error occurs when tab is opened by any user without permissions
* "Rejected Messages" tab can't be opened
* Assigned agent isn't displayed in emails
* Incorrect customer name is shown in the ticket created via Gateway
* Fixed issues with emails sent to CC and BCC addresses
* "Note is added" event is absent -
1.6.1Released 01.06.2020
* Error occurs after saving a ticket on the Ticket Edit Page -
1.6.0Released 14.05.2020
+ OAuth support
* Information about total orders/items is empty in Ticket
* Error appears in logs while trying to open non-existent Department or Quick Response
* Ticket is not created If email attachment contains hieroglyphs in name
* Duplicated tickets created via Contact Form on double 'Submit' clicks
* Tickets stopped being created from gateway emails
* Email parsing is stopped If the username is similar to the email format
* Fixed issue with files uploading -
1.5.2Released 12.02.2020
* Fix for Magento Marketplace -
1.5.1Released 31.01.2020
* Fixed issue when canned response of more than 1 line does not show up on Tickets page
* Module main menu and Magento menu are not clickable on Ticket page -
1.5.0Released 08.01.2020
+ Canned responses/macroses
+ Added loading indicator when customer adds attachment
* Minor design improvements
* Fix for Magento Marketplace -
1.4.1Released 30.10.2019
+ Data Migration tool for Magento v. 2.2.X-2.3.X
* Fixed issue with Mass actions on "Departments" page
* Error occurs after 'Automation' or 'Tickets' grid is clicked
* Fixed issue with duplicated email headers
* Fixed issue wit files attachment
* Magento EQP tests fix
* Error occurs on an attempt to create a ticket in the backend (Magento 2.3.3)
* Fixed issue when Tickets aren't created via Gateway
* Tickets belonging to a department disappear after disabling the department
* Error appears on a ticket page if an admin doesn't have permissions to update tickets
* Fixed issue with disabling the department on its page
* Fixed issue when Department permissions don't work correctly
* Minor design improvements -
1.4.0Released 29.05.2019
+ Email to ticket conversion improvement: "Type your reply above this line"
+ Agent is brought back to the list of tickets when the ticket was marked as "pending" or "solved"
* Fixed issue with the migration script
* Minor UI fixes -
1.3.5Released 14.02.2019
* Fixed issue when extension emails are not routed correctly -
1.3.4Released 01.02.2019
* Magento 2.3 compatibility -
1.3.3Released 14.12.2017
*Fixes for Magento Marketplace -
1.3.2Released 01.11.2017
* Magento 2.2 compatibility adjustments
* Installation issues
* File cannot be attached in case it contains spaces in its name -
1.3.1Released 05.09.2017
* Resizable "Customer group" area
* Agent can't reply to customer via email notification
* "All roles" permissions adjustments
* Emails parsing stops if email contains illegal chars or email without headers
* Automations issue
* Ticket can be assigned to unselected agent
* Ticket can be created with Enter button
* HDU migration tool issue
* Incorrect attachments location
* Static tests issue -
1.3.0Released 10.07.2017
+ Email templates improvements
* Magento Marketplace issues
* Link to a ticket in email notification for admin
* HDU crashes dictionary generator
* All backend users are displayed, including the disabled ones
* Backend Ticket design adjustments -
1.2.0+ Department permissions
+ Migration script (import of tickets from M1 extension)
* Resizable reply area
* Email subject should contain ticket subject
* Re-design ticket thread
* Guest ticket isn't opened in Customer Area when guest creates account at Storefront
* Fatal error if sending email is not possible -
1.1.0Released 18.11.2016
+ Departments added
+ Multiple email gateways added. Each department may have its own email gateway.
* Security issue fixed -
1.0.2Released 13.10.2016
* Magento 2.1 composer.json compatibility -
1.0.1Released 26.08.2016
* Admin with restricted permissions can't reply to ticket at Admin -
1.0.0Initial release 22.08.2016
Product Questions
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