Aheadworks Extensions February Updates in the limelight!
Categorized as : Magento 2 Extensions
Winter is over, but its last month has significantly contributed to the company’s development. Please meet the improved “workhorses” at your service!
+Authorize.net official module support
- An error occurs when a customer doesn't have a default address (Magento 2.4.1 EE)
- Top menu is not displayed on the checkout page (Magento 2.4.1 EE)
- It is impossible to select a delivery date (Magento 2.4.1 EE)
- An error appears on Storefront after installing the extension (Magento 2.4.1 EE)
- Datepicker cannot be initialized in Magento 2.4.1
- Minor issues reproduced on Magento 2.4.1 have been fixed
- When Autocomplete is enabled, the "Street Address Line" field is blocked
- Empty value in Prefix is not set by default
- PrivateScope variable is replaced as per Magento recommendation
- Popup does not appear while paying with PayPal Express Checkout
- Default shipping address is not selected for registered customers
- Invalid display of styles when the error "ApiNotActivatedMapError" occurs
- Dependencies on Magento modules are removed
- JS error occurs if a user does not have an email and only 1 payment method is available
- Drop-down index is not working with TAB
- Extension attributes are not displayed in REST API orders list
- Billing address is not transmitted when the Paypal Express payment method is used
Magento 2 Buildify 1.0.2
+Editor load speed improvements
- "Magento Blank" theme isn't supported in Admin
- There are no style settings for the Circle Progress widget
- Data remains in the database when an element is deleted
- Revision history doesn't work properly
- There are no CMS page styles on the homepage
- JS error occurs on the storefront when JavaScript files minification is enabled
- Fixed errors occurring in the console in Backend
- Fallback to Jquery error in the console
- Headers are displayed incorrectly in tablet preview
- Deleted native section remains on the page
Magento 2 RMA 1.4.10
- Data is not filtered in 'Text Field' Custom Field
- Page breaks if the 'Custom Field' filter is used on Manage RMA
- Dates are wrong on the Request page after the interface locale has been changed
- Refund and Reorder buttons aren't shown on the Request page
- Return request isn't created after creating a "multi-select" custom field
- Back button isn't displayed on the Request page
- Minor design issues for iPad tablet view has been fixed