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Magento 2 Extensions

Magento 2 Automatic Related Products PWA compatibility

Magento 2 Automatic Related Products Use Case: Cross-sell and rule

Online shopping is rapidly moving into mobile first! And, if you want your business to remain competitive your online store must provide customers with cutting-edge shopping experiences, across all devices. Providing outstanding user experiences has become accessible to brands of all sizes with the introduction of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) compatible extensions. PWAs are web applications based on standard web technologies with the addition of up-to-date JavaScript features.

Product Questions for Magento 2 by Aheadworks

Improve customer service with the updated version of Product Questions for Magento 2 by Aheadworks!

Sooner or later, everything needs updating. And for sure, it applies to the rapidly developing Magento world. And Aheadworks made a step forward to modernization as well. Our team of highly qualified developers rewrote the code from scratch in the Product Questions extension that was developed the very first for Magento 2.

Aheadworks Minifier for Magento 2

Improve website performance and increase conversions with Aheadworks Minifier for Magento 2

It happens that many of us so desperately look for some extraordinary ways to improve SEO and forget about an obvious one - fast page load. According to the research, about 40% of customers abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. In such a case, sales and conversion rates are affected dramatically. One of the most effective ways to speed up page load and improve website performance is image optimization. With Minifer for Magento 2 you can optimize your store in a few clicks without any technical knowledge!

B2B Cart to Quote for Magento 2 Use Case

B2B Cart to Quote for Magento 2 Use Case: Enable non-registered customers to request a quote

Magento 2 Cart to Quote helps merchants to negotiate quotations with customers and reach the best win-win deals in a smart and effortless manner. Taking into consideration oftentimes guest users don’t want to go through a lengthy registration process to simply request a quote, Aheadworks has made it possible for merchants to allow guests to do so. Admins can enable or disable quoting for customer groups selected in configurations. By selecting the Not Logged-in customers group, the ‘Add to Quote’ button becomes available not only for registered users for guests of the website as well. 

Magento 2 Event Tickets Use Case

Magento 2 Event Tickets Use Case: Provide a user-friendly shopping experience with customizable event tickets

Magento 2 Event Tickets make it possible to create tickets for any type of event. Manage and schedule events to make them single-time or repeat. Allow customers to  book multiple time-slots of a recurrent event in the Calendar, displayed on the frontend. Offer special products that are available exclusively for sale upon purchase of a ticket. All the options mentioned above not only contribute to a user-friendly experience but also allow you to plan smart marketing strategies and increase revenue.

Magento 2 Company Accounts Use Case

Magento 2 Company Accounts Use Case: Orders With Company Admin Approval

Learn how to control orders placed by employees on behalf of the company with the Company Admin Approval feature.

Magento 2 Company Accounts makes B2B comfortably possible, as it allows creating and managing company accounts, the one-parent-multiple-children hierarchies with apparent role boundaries of member-accounts.