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RMA by Aheadworks: Backend Request Creation, Canned Responses, and Return Management Improvements

RMA by Aheadworks: Backend Request Creation, Canned Responses, and Return Management Improvements

The return process is quite complicated as soon as it involves a lot of steps, conditions, status changes, and constant communications between merchants and customers. The main purpose of any business is to simplify and clarify the whole RMA workflow and make it less time-consuming.
Popup Pro for Magento 2

Popup Pro for Magento 2 to conduct promo campaigns more effectively

Though sometimes underestimated, popups do work, when employed correctly. It’s a powerful marketing tool with a positive impact on conversions and customer engagement. In this article, we’ll explore the power of popups, determine the most popular popup types and share useful advice to make your promo campaign as effective as possible.

must have b2b extensions

7 must-have Magento 2 Extensions to Boost your B2B business

For reaching success in B2B commerce, four key areas should be focused on: increasing the visitors’ traffic, converting visitors into customers, encouraging them to purchase more, and finally raising their prices. Aheadworks brings all of these key areas into focus, in this curated list of B2B extensions to launch and manage a successful business. 

Landing pages with Buildify

7 tips that will help you to build converting landing pages

To increase traffic merchants usually have to pay either for ad or for sponsored content; however, there’s one more solution aimed at bringing potential customers to your online store called landing pages. So building them is a very important and purchase-affecting task. We decided to recollect most vital tips to make your landing pages converting ones. Let's get it started!

Private Catalog Extension

Manage your B2B business effectively with the new Private Catalogs extension

Aheadworks understands the difficulties of our B2B clients with pricing strategy adoption and has created a unique solution, one of a kind in Magento 2 - Private Catalogs extension suite. It allows providing logged-in customers with exceptional service via enabling private catalogs for particular customer groups or companies.

build high converting product pages

How to build high converting product pages

Product pages should be paid much more attention to, as they are the ones having an impact on sales directly.  We’ve decided to recollect all essential ideas to bear in mind while creating product pages in this way making it more strategy-based and prudent. Moreover, we’ll show the way of implementation of these ideas on the example of Buildify Page Builder as it has all necessary features, including free premade page templates, various widgets, and drag-and-drop design.

Improve Cart Abandonment Rate

Useful Solutions to Prevent Cart Abandonment

Editor’s note: Cart abandonment is one of the most disturbing problems for online merchants and the most complex one. Its solution is based on numerous practical experiments and at the same time requires substantive analysis and statistics to be successfully resolved. In this article we’ll highlight some modules you can use to reduce cart abandonment in Magento-based stores.