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Aheadworks Commerce Cloud vs Shopify: which is better for you?

Aheadworks Commerce Cloud vs Shopify: which is better for you?

Selecting the most suitable ecommerce platform is of critical importance for all merchants for creating, managing and maintaining an online store. When looking for a new eCommerce platform, you can pay attention to many aspects. Let’s discuss the main ones on the example of two powerful eCommerce platforms, Aheadworks Commerce Cloud and Shopify.


But first, let’s see a short description of each.

How to Improve the Checkout Process on Magento 2 Store?

How to Improve the Checkout Process on Magento 2 Store?

It’s such a disappointment when all the time and money invested into driving more traffic ends up in a high cart abandonment rate. A well-known fact is that one out of 5 online shoppers abandon their carts due to too long and complicated checkout. Magento 2 stores are especially sensitive to these statistics, as the default Magento 2 checkout customization is quite limited and poor in options.

How to create a free high converting landing page on Shopify?

How to create a free high converting landing page on Shopify?

Landing pages on Shopify or any other platform can serve as a free promotional tool for your products and services. However, depending on the way you build a landing page, it can cost you a penny. Today I’m going to share with you my personal experience of building a Shopify landing page and the difficulties I came up with during the process. 

What is one step checkout: main benefits and plugins for Magento 2 users

What is one step checkout: main benefits and plugins for Magento 2 users

To convert a visitor into a buyer, online stores have to go through a long path of promotion campaigns, content writing, SEO optimizations and different marketing techniques realization. And what a disappointment we feel when we see the cart abandonment rate grow due to the long unclear default Magento 2 checkout. Although there are only 2 pages to fill in, shoppers might get tired, change their minds or lose connection and forget about your website forever - a bunch of abandonment issues  can appear. That’s why a lot of users prefer to enable one page checkout on their Magento 2 stores.

Review of Magento 2 Gift Card extension or How to boost your sales easily in 2022

Review of Magento 2 Gift Card extension or How to boost your sales easily in 2022

Some merchants, who come from traditional to eСommerce, admit that they’ve got their work cut out for them. Stores needs to take a  completely different approach towards customer engagement in these two branches of business-making. While an offline store could offer a wide range of gift options if the buyers haven’t found anything to their taste, whereas the online stores have to handle themselves in a tight spot. The solutions can be different, starting from sales representatives to gift cards, which can satisfy the buyer and keep the money within the store.

How can you increase your sales by using the Blog modules?

How can you increase your sales by using the Blog modules?

If you are reading this post, then this topic is relevant for you. Like other merchants, you want to increase your sales and attract new customers. One of the solutions for you might be a blog, an affordable for any business content marketing tool. Write on topics through which you can reveal all the features of your store, answer customers' questions or explain how your products work. Let's see why blogging is crucial for businesses of all sizes.

Add to cart button nulled

How to hide add to cart button and price (nulled) on Magento 2 store

When building a Magento 2 online store, one should take into consideration a lot of platform nuances, its opportunities and limitations. Thus, you can’t hide the price or make the add to cart button nulled on the Magento admin panel. You may think, why would anybody like to hide a CTA button if in numerous articles CTA is considered to be the core page element? Well, there are cases where the Add to Cart button will be confusing or redundant.

Hassle free maintenance of your Store

Hassle free maintenance of your Store with the right platform

If you already have an online store, you probably have to deal with a lot of trouble keeping it running.You might need to hire agencies or have your own developers. Constantly keep an eye on security patch releases and module upgrades, deal with hosting issues and other every day problems. So here we introduce Aheadworks Commerce Cloud, a new yet powerful platform in the eCommerce market.